Thursday, April 16, 2015

Corruption of the world, thanks to technology!

Technology is very helpful in more ways than one but it is corrupting the people of the world.

In the olden days you would walk down the street and say 'hello' to everybody, you would actually know your neighbours and participate in communal activities. In this day of age when you walk down the street all you see is people on their phones and its a very dangerous thing. I see so many people on the news and in the street, walking into poles, bumping into people, almost getting hit with cars and or cyclists. 

Phones were originally meant for communication, nowadays they are used for games, music, texting, phone calls and social media! Social media is only good for one thing... Making us believe in what other people in higher authority do is right. When i say higher authority i don't mean the government or the president or the FBI i am talking about the celebrities of the world and the new trend setters, the people who we see on TV. You may think that I'm talking absolute crap saying that they're in higher power but if you think about it what is run on the Internet and Television these days? Sitcoms (Big Bang Theory, FRIENDS, The Odd couple), Made up mythical shows (Pretty Little Liars, Supernatural, Heart of Dixie), Celebrities (Keeping up with the Kardashians, Paris Hilton's new best friend, The bachelor/bachelorette and the playboy mansion). All these different shows run all day everyday, we watch them and think: why aren't i as skinny as her? I'm going to use that joke! I wish i lived in that world with powers. Its shaping the world into what they want us to be like. If you asked a child these days to name 15 celebrities they could with no hesitation, but if you asked them to name  15 prime ministers, they probably couldn't... think about that?

Say you open Face book or Instagram or even the news app on your phone, all your going to see is a bunch of people complaining how much they're life sucks or that they just broke a nail, its not helping your life in any way and it just causes more augments for no reason. You may see celebrities wearing the best shoes, and new clothes and even giving out makeup tips, these things are shaping young minds into thinking that 'this is on the Internet and looks cool i might do that to'. 

My point of this whole blog is that people need to be less reliant on the technology.
When i was little i used to play outside and have fun, get grass stains on me and not have a care in the world, when the street lights came on i knew that was the time to go home. Its weird how little things like that make up a wonderful childhood. Kids are being deprived of this experience. When i was younger for my birthdays i got a scooter or bike, a paint set or new shoes. Now kids are getting new iPhone's and gold diamond jewellery. 

Parents and children need to lay off the technology, otherwise communication without it is going to be a struggle in the future.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Annoying People

Annoying people
Hey guys you know what really grinds my gears, ANNOYING PEOPLE! Some people are annoying just because that’s who they are, but some purposely provoke me by doing annoying things such as:

Chewing loudly:
Close your mouth for go sake not everybody wants to hear and see you chewing like c’mon its annoying
People that act dumb:
(You know who you are) We all know you’re smart so stop acting dumb it’s not cute or funny it’s just plain idiotic. Stop doing it!

Chewing your fingernails loudly:
1. Nobody wants to hear that annoying sound of you constantly chewing on your fingers. My parents do it all the time and I find it the most annoying sound in the whole world, it sounds like your sucking your fingers. Just don’t do it
2.Nobody wants your nails all over their house, its gross and unsanitary

Sand or dirt in your bed:
Piss off sand. I hate it when I am ready to go to sleep and hop into bed and there’s enough sand in my bed to make a bloody sandcastle. Since I am Australian we love the beach and sand it always everywhere.

One thing SHUT UP! I don’t care if you’re a stranger or my best friend when you have a sniffy nose either get that shit under control and blow your nose or get away from me. Again IT IS SO ANNOYING!

If you do any of these things try and stop, you’ll be helping a lot of people be less annoyed. If you know any other annoying things comment them below or email it to me, I love hearing from you’s and you opinions xoxo J (

Thursday, December 12, 2013

What not to do at the Beach

This blog is inspired by Dan Howell I'm so In love with. He is so funny and cute as hell and I reckon everybody should watch his videos. (Sorry if anybody gets offended that I'm sort of copying Dan, I have watched all his videos and laughed so hard it inspired me to write my own)

The beach is a wonderful place to be on a hot summers day. You can get tanned, go for a swim, its a great place to go with friends or alone, but there is a certain un written rule book that you should follow when at the beach.

What not to do at the beach:
- Don't smoosh faces in front of everybody
Nobody want to see you and your boyfriend kissing 24/7 when they are trying to have a good time at the beach.
- Don't Stare!
Don't stare, I see it all the time, young girls in bikinis walking along the water having a good time and enjoying themselves then a creepy old fat man ruins it by sitting there and staring at them (Trust me its very uncomfortable)
-Wear appropriate clothing
Nobody wants to be at the beach and see some one's trunks fall off in the water or see them fly up in the wind
- Keep your balls to yourself
If you are playing a game like volleyball or badminton keep the balls to yourself I don't want to walk pass and get hit in the face by balls!

Like I said the beach is great when there aren't stupid people around to ruin it for you.
You can comment other annoying things you hate at the beach or other places :) I would love to read your opinions you can comment them on this blog or you can email me on 

Watch his videos:
Danisnotonfire "What not to do at the beach"