Thursday, December 12, 2013

What not to do at the Beach

This blog is inspired by Dan Howell I'm so In love with. He is so funny and cute as hell and I reckon everybody should watch his videos. (Sorry if anybody gets offended that I'm sort of copying Dan, I have watched all his videos and laughed so hard it inspired me to write my own)

The beach is a wonderful place to be on a hot summers day. You can get tanned, go for a swim, its a great place to go with friends or alone, but there is a certain un written rule book that you should follow when at the beach.

What not to do at the beach:
- Don't smoosh faces in front of everybody
Nobody want to see you and your boyfriend kissing 24/7 when they are trying to have a good time at the beach.
- Don't Stare!
Don't stare, I see it all the time, young girls in bikinis walking along the water having a good time and enjoying themselves then a creepy old fat man ruins it by sitting there and staring at them (Trust me its very uncomfortable)
-Wear appropriate clothing
Nobody wants to be at the beach and see some one's trunks fall off in the water or see them fly up in the wind
- Keep your balls to yourself
If you are playing a game like volleyball or badminton keep the balls to yourself I don't want to walk pass and get hit in the face by balls!

Like I said the beach is great when there aren't stupid people around to ruin it for you.
You can comment other annoying things you hate at the beach or other places :) I would love to read your opinions you can comment them on this blog or you can email me on 

Watch his videos:
Danisnotonfire "What not to do at the beach"

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